Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Writing Magazine and Writers' News

If you haven't had your copy don't wait for the snow to go, get the skis out and head to the Newsagents quickly.


Well let's say Wrekin Writers are very well represented in the February edition. Simon Whaley has written an article  'Find the time to write,' and in the article he has used three successful writers within the group. Di Perry, Janet Johnstone and Julie Phillips speak about how they find the time to write but better than that they give their top tips.

Not that I'm biased but it's well worth a read.

Also in Writing Magazine and Writers' News Fiona Smith, who is also a member has letters in both magazines.

A promising start not only for the group but more importantly for the individual members.


  1. An excellent beginning to the year, Sue, congratulations to them all! Carole xxx

  2. Wooh Hooh! What a fantastic start to 2010! Simon did us proud eh?! I think it's going to be a fantastically successful year for Wrekin Writers too - They are certainly making me work a lot harder trying to keep up!

    Julie xx

  3. Of course, if Di, Julie and Jent were not such successful writers, then I would have had nothing to write about in the first place! And coongratulations to Fiona who continues to be regularly published in the letter pages!
