I have met one of the most amazing women I think I shall ever meet in my life. Her name is Veronica Thackeray and she lives just down the road from me in Hopton Castle. I first met her in the summer when she employed my youngest, non gardening son to be one of gardeners. She asked if he could tell the difference between a flower and a weed. He replied 'can I ask?' Which was obviously the right answer because she hired him. Little did I know at the time just how much of influence this woman was going to have on my life.
How do I describe her? Physically, she's tiny, always immaculately made up, quite stunning to look at it in many ways with her smooth skin and delicate complexion, yet she's ninety years old. She's the sole carer for her disabled ninety eight year old husband as well as being a writer, a painter, a campaigner to list but a few.
She has lived a long and full life. During WW11 she was a member of the S.O.E. Yes we have a former spy living down the road in the Clun Valley. I've heard her talk about the early days of the war, when she got married to a fighter pilot and within nine months he was declared missing, presumed dead. She didn't have his death legally confirmed until after the war. She married again this time to a busy doctor and raised a family and now when most would be more than ready to retire, she's got a new book coming out at Easter.
At the moment I'm reading one of her books that she kindly lent me. Wondering in Wales and the Borderland is sadly out of print now, which I really think is a damn shame because it's one of those books that takes you by the hand and leads you gently through the countryside, leaving images although unseen by your eyes or more than visible in your mind's eye.
Last night I was reading about Bishops Castle and Cefn Einion both places I thought I knew quite well that was until Veronica took me around them. Not only does she bring the places to life she spices it up with conversations she's had with people who were happy to share their memories. Suddenly what is quite a pretty market town became to me, alive and vibrant as I saw it through someone else's eyes.
However at the end of the chapter she recalls a book she had as a child called Eyes and No Eyes. Two characters going around the same place one sees nothing and the other sees everything and revels in it. I suppose we'd say nowadays open your eyes and see.
Veronica is a writer who has her eyes and mind wide open and is able to use all her senses in her writing. I wonder what kind of writer you are - I hope you're eyes and not no eyes and that for 2010 you'll keep them both wide open.
Have a wonderful, happy, busy and prosperous New Year.