Thursday 5 March 2009

Ten good reasons to enter the Doris Gooderson Competition

  1. You have a deadline to work to. Okay you might think that the 13th July is months away, which it is and that you don’t need to worry about it yet but you’ll be surprised how quickly it will come around. So start writing now, you don’t want a mad panic on the 12th July.
  2. Entering the competition will focus your mind and give you something to work towards.
  3. The satisfaction of producing a finished and polished piece of work.
  4. The excitement of waiting for the results to be announced.
  5. It’s only 1200 words
  6. You get four entries for £10 which is much cheaper to enter than a lot of competitions.
  7. You will help keep your subscriptions down for 2010.
  8. Your story could very well end up being published in the 2009 anthology. Fame at last.
  9. You will get points towards the Wrekin Writer of the Year competition.
  10. You will make Sue very happy

So log on to our website, download your entry form and get scribbling. You never know, when the results are announced – it could be you but you’ve got to be in it to win it.

Good luck


  1. You forgot reason number 11. If you enter the competition, you can't be a judge!

  2. Hi I've sent in a short story for the first time this year so I will be following your blog with interest. It's so nice to meet a member.
