Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Write about what you know

As writers we are always being told to write about what we know. Well that's exactly what Wrekin Writer Fiona Stevenson has been doing. Fiona who has 'an interesting life' has drawn from her experiences and posted several articles on the website Article Alley. Check out Fiona's author's page and read her articles. You never know there maybe something there for you.

Although this site doesn't pay it is read and after all that's what all writers want - their work to be read. Well done Fee.


  1. She's a true inspiration, Sue. The things she's been through and she still carries on regardless.

  2. Thank you for linking to my blog (How Publishing Really Works): I am most grateful, and hope you continue to enjoy it.

    Meanwhile, Wrekin Writers sounds familiar... I think my sister might have participated at one time or another. She lives in Much Wenlock, and I visit her almost every school holiday. Small world, eh?
